

This book is written for those who have had some experience with the 12 Steps, especially as it pertains to compulsive eating and relapse. It is my hope that anyone may benefit from reading this book, however some of the terminology contained within might seem a bit baffling to those unfamiliar with the 12 Steps. We 12 Steppers have something of “a language of our own.” Using this language is not meant to exclude anyone, but more of a “shorthand” we use to express concepts we mutually understand. Since I am assuming that the reader has attended meetings in one of these programs, consequently I go into some concepts that are best understood by attending meetings for compulsive eaters.

There are a number of 12 Step programs for compulsive eaters. Their membership numbers vary, as does the number of meetings around the country. The largest of these is Overeaters Anonymous (O.A.), which has the most meetings in the most places. Other programs include Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-HOW (CEA-HOW), Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA), Gray Sheet Anonymous (GSA), Eating Disorders Anonymous, and I’m sure I’ve missed a few.


I have observed some of these programs, and I believe each has its strengths and its weaknesses. Since I have not attended meetings in all programs, I will speak a bit in generalities, although I can speak with authority concerning the programs I have attended – one with a specific food plan and one with no specific food plan.

Since 12 Step members practice the Tradition of anonymity, I will not disclose in this book which programs I currently attend or which programs I have attended in the past. Throughout my years in recovery, I have gone to numerous 12 Step meetings, and mention doing so throughout the book. Just because I say I have attended a meeting of a particular 12 Step program does not mean I am or was a member. Please do not draw any conclusions as to my membership in any specific 12 Step program.


The main thing I wanted to do with this book was to share my observations of over 30 years in 12 Step programs. This amount of time in program has allowed me to observe what works and what does not work when it comes to recovery from compulsive eating. As with everything else, these are my opinions and you can feel free to disagree. The pages ahead of you will lay out these thoughts in detail...