Self-examination#2 – What’s beneath the surface?

Time for the $64,000 question:  what is this really about?  A short time ago, the thought of going to compulsively eat wasn’t even in your mind.  Now you’ve got one foot out the door.  What happened?  What changed in your mind from then until now?  Was there some kind of trigger?  Was it something someone said?  Was it a memory of an incident with some connection to the food that you experienced – some sense memory – that triggered the thought chain?  When did breaking your abstinence go from not being an option to being part of a plan?

Take a few minutes and become your own therapist.  What questions would you ask of someone else who has decided to go down this path?  Ask them of yourself and write down the answers.

If you have incorporated the spiritual part of the program into your life, perhaps take a moment to communicate your plan to your Higher Power and wait a bit to see if you get an answer.  If so, write it down.