About Anonymity



Since 12 Step members practice the Tradition of anonymity, none of us who post on this website will disclose which programs we currently attend or which programs we have attended in the past -- if we choose to use our full names.

Many of us have gone to numerous meetings in many 12 Step programs, and mention doing so throughout this website. Just because some says that they have attended a meeting of a particular 12 Step program does not mean they were or are a member. Please do not draw any conclusions as to anyone's membership in any specific 12 Step program.  If you have any personal knowledge of any person's membership in a particular 12 Step program, we ask that you do not disclose it on this website.

Our forum, which is available for past and current members of any 12 Step program, is set up so the anonymity of the member is protected -- if that member chooses to do so.  While we need your personal information during the registration process, we promise this will only be used to maintain information on this website and will neither be disclosed to any third parties, nor will it be used to market you in any way.